sedikit info bukit beruang dr
Bukit Beruang is an area in the Malaysian state of Malacca. The most famous landmark in Bukit Beruang is the Multimedia University, a private university owned by Telekom Malaysia, a Malaysian telecommunication company.Bukit Beruang (in English, Bear Hill) is legendarily named because there were a number of bears living in the forest of Bukit Beruang.
Another legend is that Bukit Beruang came from a name of Bukit Ber "wang" meaning, hill of money, people came to this hill because as many had found treasure on the hill. As time went by, the name changed to Bukit Beruang.
hape2 lah ade ke patot bukit beruang tu dari perkataan Bukit ber"wang" haha.. ingatkan kan abang ber"WANG" jer yang ade.. bukit pun ade.. hihi
nak naek atas tu punye la ramai mamat, awek, mamat+awek, uncle+aunty.. semuanya nak beriadah a.k.a berjogging di situ..walaupun hanya naek bukit.. memang mencabar la weh.. trek dy bertar.. n gler curam.. menakutkan jer kalo belah turun.. nak naek lagi lah.. jantung berdegup kencang gtu.. macam nak pitam pun ade.. tambah2 bg orang macam aku ni ha.. hehe..=)

wah wah wahhh mcm tinggi jg ni..
best erk?
@apezs shah
xde la tinggi sangat tp taraf bukit la,, tempat pencawang telekom.. boleh tahan best la.. bru 1st time naek.. insyaALLAH akan naek lagi.. hihi
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